Monday, October 1, 2012

Various Ways in Which India SMEs Utilize Internet for Growth

An important growth aspect for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is reaching more number of prospects within limited expenditures. No better medium than the internet is available to these enterprises to achieve these two targets. This is the reason that the SMEs in the countries like India are making the best out of the online growth opportunities.

If statistics are to be believed, large numbers of SME owners possess their websites to provide information about the products and services they offer. From the manufacturers of auto components and machine tools to the designers of handicrafts and fashion accessories, the business owners from different industrial categories are expressing their interest in having strong online presence.

The online business directories, popularly known as b2b marketplaces, have contributed significantly in this direction. These directories help the SME owners in the country to advertise their company profiles, products and services on the internet. It has been confirmed that business buyers from all over the world take help of these directories to access manufacturers, suppliers and exporters from India and other countries. These platforms provide the great opportunities to place and update catalogues and offers price quotes in a convenient manner.

B2b business directory from India also offer the cheapest ways for the SME owners to advertise. These also provide the opportunities for the buyers and importers to compare different products and service providers from different parts of the country and in various categories. Needless to say, the popular search engines display the results from these directories among its top results, thereby arranging for better exposure for the business owners.

In addition to maintaining websites and advertising at online business directories, online communication is the third important way in which the internet aids SMEs. The buyers from different countries can contact the Indian manufacturers and suppliers at any point of time. Interaction via emails and online chatting contributes effectively towards building strong business to business relationships.

It is difficult for a small or medium enterprise to exist in the stiff competition without utilizing the online resources. Considering the ever-increasing demands of the Indian goods and services, it is the best time for these enterprises to reap the benefits of using the internet.

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